

I made the mistake of going out with this guy. We went out for a while, and then one day he sent me a text message to say that he'd dumped me. When I got to school the next day, loads of my friends told me that he only goes out with girls for the joy of breaking up with them. I don't want anyone, especially him, to see me upset about this, but I just don't know how to get over it. What should I do?

My Advice:

Don't fret about it. Any person who enjoys seeing other people upset is really just a coward who does this to get attention. If you just ignore him, he'll soon get fed up and leave you alone. You could avoid this sort of thing happening to you again by asking other girls about a guy you like or a guy who had asked you out to find out if he's worth it. But the main thing here is to just forget about it nd move on, however hard it can be sometimes :)


Me and my friend got into an argument at school while we were doing P.E. She asked to work with me and then kept asking other people to swap parteners with her. I told her that it was obvious she didn't think I was very good and that that was why she kept asking to swap partners. But she got all defensive and started shouting at me. She told the teacher I was being mean to her, when I wasn't, and I got in trouble for it. Now everyone is on her side and no-one wants to work with me in P.E anymore, what shall I do?

My Advice:

Don't worry about it. Talk to her and sort things out between you. There's no point telling teachers and getting other people involved, even if she did it, ask her why she told people about what happened. Maybe she didn't know it upset you that she wanted to change parteners, she might have been trying to work out who she works best with. If you're not comfortable working with her again, ask someone else before she asks you. She may not... :)


I found at that my best friend started up a rumor that I'm scared of the dark. That's one of my deepest, darkest secrets, and now the whole school knows and they keep making fun of me. I thought she was my friend...

My Advice:

Slow down! Don't jump to conclusions just yet. She might have started the rumor by accident, or maybe she was talking to somebody else and something reminded her of you being afraid of the dark and accidentally blurted it out and the word got around. Is she usually good at keeping secrets? Maybe it was hard for her to keep it and she needed to get it off her chest? Talk to her and sort things out together, and if it's really bothering you, try and get her to tell people that the rumor actually isn't true, even if it is. Hope I helped :)


My mum and dad are always arguing and last night they got into a really big argument and my dad says he's moving out. I love my mum and everything, but I want to live with both my parents at the same time. I'm really depressed about it now and I don't feel like doing anything anymore. How can I make things right?

My Advice:

I'm sorry to hear about that. You may not be able to make things right between your parents, but you can stop yourself from feeling depressed about it. Spend as much time with your parents together as you can. Ask to go out somewhere with both of them, somewhere you all like, and that should make you feel a bit better, and it might remind your mum and dad of how much fun it is being together and that it would be a big mistake for them to split up. Don't try and pressure them into staying together, as if they tell you it's not the right thing to do, you could feel even more depressed. If this doesn't work however, you might just have to face the fact that your dad might move out, and try and think positive about it. Besides, it's better to have a happy mum and a happy dad at different times than an unhappy mum and an unhappy dad at the same time, right? Anyway, I'm sure you'd still see your dad at weekends or whatever? Really hope I helped xx