Would You Rather

1. Would you rather check someone out or be checked out?

2. Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button in your life?

3. Would you rather always know when someone is lying or always get away with lying?

4. Would you rather have Harry Potter or Hermione Granger as your best friend?

5. Would you rather be underdressed or overdressed?

6. Would you rather listen to 'Baby' for an hour or listen to 'Gangnam Style' for 10 hours?

7. Would you rather sacrifice your life for 10 friends or let 5 friends die for you?

8. Would you rather know everything there is to know or rule everything there is to rule?

9. Would you rather have piercings or tattoos?

10. Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?

11. Would you rather have a nice teacher who is bad at teaching or a mean teacher who is good at teaching?

12. Would you rather have all your senses be half as good as they are now or loose one sense of your choice altogether?

13. Would you rather be able to talk to all animals or speaks all foreign languages?